Understanding the 6 Dimensions of Human Mind

All human minds operate under 6 dimensions – Love, Fear, Joy, Hatred, Boredom and Sexuality. These 6 dimensions are present in all human minds, and its natural make-up also determines the “intensity” of some of these dimensions.

It’s not possible to ever “erase” one of these dimensions totally from the mind, and people who are trying to do so are usually just suppressing their mind and this form of suppression only leads to inner resistance, which manifests as suffering of some form or the other.

For example, a lot of people who misunderstand some spiritual teachings (or get conditioned by misguided teachings) start trying to suppress certain dimensions in the mind, usually the dimensions of hatred, fear and sexuality, which causes them to wage a constant battle with their mind, sometimes for a lifetime.

When you “consciously” (though an understanding of our wholeness and “being nature”) understand that the mind is the mind, and you stop trying to impose a “divine” nature on it, you will no longer be in opposition to your mind’s natural make-up and thus allow for a harmonious physical experience.

Below I’ve described each of these dimensions and how it operates in a human mind.

1.) Love

This is obviously one of the “light natures” of the mind. All minds are capable of love. The various forms in which a mind expresses love are – Care, Empathy, Service, Charity, Tenderness, Compassion, Romance (physical and emotional), Passion, Infatuation, Obsession (love-based) and Devotion.

Every mind has the capacity for all these expressions, and in a lifetime, most of us, usually express all these forms of love in some way or the other. The mind has more capacity for love when it feels secure, and it can (and usually will) render love to low priority when it has to worry about its survival.

In a state of unconsciousness, even the dimension of love, in the mind, can become a source of imbalance and disharmony.

For example – patterns of obsession with someone/something the mind is in “love” with, which can lead to patterns of neediness, insecurity, over-possessiveness and other fear-based movements. Passion, when not regulated by an underlying wisdom/maturity, can become a source of over-indulgence and depravity, making you a prisoner to the very thing you love.

So the dimension of love, like all dimensions in the mind, is equally privy to going into imbalance when there is a lack of consciousness. I will discuss this in detail in an upcoming post.

2.) Fear

This is a “dark nature” in the mind. All minds have a tendency towards fear, some more than others (depending on the natural make-up). A fearful mind is a huge source of disturbance because it constantly creates resistance to your movement, but it’s not possible to “suppress” this dimension of the mind.

But as you become conscious, as your “awareness” becomes stable, you can stop identifying with the mind’s fears and just let them be (in one sense, you stop fearing the mind’s fears). A mind that has strong proclivity towards fear will keep producing fear-based thoughts, but when you become conscious you stop fueling this nature of the mind and it starts losing its “intensity” and power to influence your vibration in any strong way – in other words, you start moving from a place of inspiration/wisdom and are not dominated by fears.

Fear is usually the strongest catalyst that pushes you to “wake up”, to awaken from the mind. (You can read this post – Fear is a catalyst for awakening – for more insight on it)

The various forms that fear can take in a human mind are – panic, anxiety, worry, concern, horror, depression, guilt, insecurity, obsession (fear-based), negative excitement, nervousness and restlessness.

There will never come a time when a human mind can be fully free of fear – it’s not possible because fear is a dimension ingrained in it. So it’s not about reaching some state where your mind stops producing fear, but rather about reaching a “consciousness”, or awareness, where you are no longer influenced by the mind’s fears.

The more stable your awareness is the less likely you are to be pulled in by the mind’s fears.

3.) Joy

This is obviously a “light nature” in the mind. Joy is basically the natural vibration of the being (or life energy) that you essentially are, and hence whenever the mind is joyful it is most aligned with its life-stream.

This is one reason why people pursue joy for their mind, because in a joyful state there is no resistance in their body and thus it feels good.

The various expressions of joy in a human mind are – Excitement, exhilaration, sensual pleasure (enjoying sight, smell, sound, touch and taste), peace/calm, enthusiasm and relaxation.

All minds have a capacity for joy, but some minds are more inclined to “peaceful” expressions of joy like relaxation and serenity, while some minds prefer more boisterous expressions of joy like excitement, exhilaration and enthusiasm – there is usually a balance were we like some peace and we also like some excitement.

It’s important to give vent to this dimension of the mind. There are some people who suppress their joy out of fear and usually decline from joy-orientation because of feelings of guilt or suffering-oriented thinking. Since joy is the vibration that comes closest to the natural vibration of life energy, it’s important to allow your mind as much opportunity for joy as possible while also allowing the wisdom of your awareness to be present so that you don’t end up going over-board into over-indulgence or some unwise actions.

4.) Hatred

This is a “dark nature” present in the mind. All minds have this dimension and it plays an important role in deciding your preferences – your likes and dislikes.

Hatred is a dimension ingrained in the mind and there is no getting away from it, and people who try to suppress the mind when it produces hate based thoughts usually end up creating a lot of “pent up” negative energy inside their body which becomes highly toxic and dysfunctional.

The various ways in which hatred is expressed in the mind are – resentment, criticism, jealousy, possessiveness, dislike, vanity, stress, frustration, anger, irritation, impatience, dissatisfaction, suspicion, inferiority, apathy and aggressiveness.

When you understand that hatred is a dimension of the mind, you let go of the futile effort to change this part of it and work towards simply not making it “personal” (by not becoming totally identified with it) and letting the mind have its movement.

When you are stable in your space of awareness, you can simply allow the mind the freedom to have its hate-based thoughts and not give energy to them. When you try to suppress the hate based thoughts in the mind, you indirectly give them a lot of “fuel” because of your fear (which is a form of interest/attention). If you don’t make the hate based thoughts of your mind “personal”, you will not be judging yourself for the thoughts of the mind and would simply let it be, with time the mind will slowly lose intensity and its hate based thoughts will not have an influence on your vibration. This does not mean that the mind will stop hate-based thoughts fully, but they will not have an intensity to influence your vibration or state of being.

5.) Boredom

This is basically a “dark nature” in the mind. Boredom is a state when the mind feels a sense of disinterest with the “Now” moment.

Boredom is mostly a harmless state but prolonged boredom can lead to states of depression. This dimension in the mind motivates it to pursue creative endeavors and entertainment, which allows for new desires and thus allows for expansion in physical life. So, like all dimensions of the mind, this dimension also serves a useful purpose of providing contrast and growth when allowed fully.

When boredom arises, just allow it fully instead of trying to suppress it – get a real sense of the “feeling” of boredom, so that you are not running away from it or in fear of it. When you truly allow the energy of boredom, it usually transmutes to a sense of calm or peace, and in this place of non-resistance inspired actions can come forth that brings joy to the mind. The state of boredom also helps balance the “spiked” states of excitement or exhilaration, and is necessary to maintain a harmony in the body’s energy.

6.) Sexuality

I would categorize this dimension as a “dark nature” in the mind, mostly because of the heaviness of this energy. All minds have this dimension and when not understood/channeled properly can become a source of hang-up, depravity, guilt and frustration.

This dimension in the mind causes the movement towards reproduction and hence plays an important role in the physical realm, it’s also a source of entertainment/pleasure for the mind and can also become a vista through which you express love and joy. The energy of sexuality can be quite intense and hence its suppression creates a lot of toxicity and disharmony in the body. People who try to suppress this dimension in their mind (out of fear – guilt) usually end up developing patterns of hatred (usually in the form of anger) inside them. Different people have different drives to their sexuality, which also changes with age (can increase or decline), and one needs to be aware that they are not suppressing or over-identifying with it.

The dimension of sexuality is directly affected by other dimensions of the mind, for example, a mind that’s lost in fear usually loses its interest in sex, a mind that’s lost in hatred can bring a violent expression to its sexuality, boredom can also lead to a decline in sexuality, whereas a prominently joyful state of being allows for a healthy sex drive.

The core pointer to understand is that these dimensions are “ingrained” in the mind, or hard-wired, and hence cannot ever be erased out of it. As long as the mind is alive, and healthy, it will exhibit all these dimensions, possibly on a daily basis.

People are always okay with the light natures of the mind, like love and joy, but usually fail to truly understand, consciously, the other “dark natured” dimensions of the mind like fear, hatred, boredom and sexuality – usually there are patterns of suppression and opposition towards these natures in some form or the other coming from the “being”, that you are, focused on this body.

When you are no longer identified with the mind, and have a stability in your awareness, you can allow it the freedom to “express” all its dimensions without being lost in it, moreover your awareness will ensure that your vibration is not influenced negatively by any of these dimensions of the mind. This is a state of true freedom, and allows for a wholistic experience of physicality.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. ashok says:

    Interesting concept of giving mind many dimensions 😇

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Manasa Kulkarni says:

      Thank you Dadu 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ashok says:

        My pleasure Manasa 😊


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