Which Dimension Of Your Mind Is Attracting Your Reality?

I discussed the 6 dimensions of a human mind a few posts back. In summary, the six dimensions of a mind are – love, joy, fear, hatred, boredom and sexuality, all human minds have all these six dimensions present in them in varying intensities. The dimension(s) of mind that’s most dominant, in you, decides that type of reality you dominantly “attract” onto yourself.

Your mind’s natural makeup dictates the dimension(s) that are naturally dominant in you, however “all” the 6 dimensions are present, in varying degrees, in all human minds. In order to have a “wholistic” experience of your physical life, it’s important that you are aligned with all the dimensions in your mind, this is how you attract a harmonious/balanced reality. The only way you can be aligned with all the dimensions of your mind is through “awareness”, in a conscious way, because in an “unconscious” state of existence it’s very easy to suppress certain dimensions in your mind, and it’s also very easy to give undue power to a certain dimensions which results in an imbalance.

Each dimension in the human being (be it love, joy, fear, hatred, boredom or sexuality) has the possibility of becoming a source of suffering when one is unconsciously giving “obsessive” attention to it. For example, Love can become a source of suffering in the form of over-sensitivity, possessiveness, obsession, grief etc. Joy can become a source of suffering when one becomes lost in it causing over-indulgence, hyper-activity, over-excitement, restlessness, insensitivity etc. We all know how the dimensions of fear, hatred, boredom and sexuality can all become huge source of suffering when one is unconsciously lost in them.

So, it’s important to understand that in the absence of awareness any dimension can attract a negative reality for you, because you become unconsciously lost in it and also because you disallow your wholistic expression by suppressing the other dimensions in your mind.

What’s the most dominant dimension in your mind?

You just need the slightest of awareness to recognize the dimension(s) in your mind that’s most dominant right now. Though the natural makeup of your mind decides its dominant dimension(s), it’s very possible for you to unconsciously make some other dimension dominant, based on your external conditioning, for example, love may be a dominant dimension in you but you make fear your dominant dimension because of identifying with some fear-based external conditioning of guilt, lack and insecurity.

When you are not aligned with your “natural” dominant dimension(s), you always feel that you are not being yourself, there is always a sense of “disconnection” – plus you end up attracting realities that feel incongruent with who you are. However, along with aligning with your natural dominant dimension(s), it’s also important to align with the rest of the dimensions to have a harmonious experience of physical life – suppressing even one dimension can lead to an imbalance.

If you feel that you are constantly suffering, you will see that you are giving “obsessive” focus to one, or some, dimension(s) in your mind. Also when you try to suppress a certain dimension in the mind, suffering and disharmony creeps into your reality. So basically in order to have a harmonious experience of physical life, you need to ensure two things

– Be aligned with the dominant “naturally” dimension(s) in your mind

– Don’t suppress any dimension in your mind

When this happens, you automatically find yourself attracting a reality that suits you to the core. To manifest a desire is not just about manifesting the “external reality” but it’s also about ensuring that the reality allows you to stay aligned with your “naturally” dominant dimension(s) and accounts for the allowing of other dimensions of your mind also – if a physical manifestation does not take into account all the dimensions of your mind, you will always find a lack of wholeness in it.

How do mind’s dimensions manifest realities?

Basically each dimension of your mind is capable of creating thoughts, perceptions, desires and preferences. I will take up each dimension and specify how it generates your reality when you are aligned with it “consciously” (balanced way) and when you are lost it in “unconsciously” (imbalanced way), and also when you try to “suppress” it.

Love – When you are aligned with this dimension in your mind in a “balanced way” the realities that it manifests/attracts for you are – people who care for you and enjoy your company without imposing expectations on you, circumstances the give you a sense of security and stability, situations of appreciation, opportunities to indulge your romantic side, situations that allow you to express your passion, attraction of bodily wellness.

When you are lost in this dimension in an unconscious way, you become susceptible to neediness, possessiveness, over-sensitivity and grief, and the realities you create are – attracting people who are overly dependent on your care/support, becoming the punching bag for insensitive people, situations that make you feel victimized/exploited by others, situations that make you feel grief.

When you try to suppress the dimension of love your realities start lacking an avenue to express love or receive genuine love/care from others, this can lead to you becoming more imbalanced towards dimensions of hatred, boredom or even sexuality, creating more incongruent/negative realities for yourself.

Hatred – When you are aligned with this dimension in your mind in a “balanced way” the realities it manifests are – attracting people who don’t judge you for your natural expressions of anger, attracting situations that allow you to freely express/voice your dislikes/dissent, attracting people who enjoy your dominant nature, attracting situations that allow your competitive nature to express itself fruitfully.

When you are unconsciously lost in it, you become susceptible to victimization (where you exploit others), sadistic tendencies, masochistic tendencies, physical violence, rage and over-competitiveness. In this state, the realities you attract are – situations that cause you to become physically/verbally violent, circumstances that cause you to be irritated/frustrated consistently, dissent and criticism from outside, relationships that lack love but are rancid with friction etc

When you try to suppress the dimension of hatred in your mind, you end up becoming a person who starts hiding behind a “smiling mask”, you become afraid of expressing your preferences (likes and dislikes), you attract people who are also being inauthentic within themselves leading to superficial relationships with no real depth. You can become an inherently “uninteresting” person, within and outside, because of the lack of diversity in your expression and can have a hard time in intimate relationships (lot of break-ups and rejections) because your “plain” nature keeps creating a sense of repulsiveness in the other person. Suppression of this dimension can also have repercussions on your other dimensions like sexuality and fear, where you can become imbalanced into them.

Joy – When you are aligned with this dimension in your mind, in a balanced way, the realities it manifests are – circumstances that allow you to express your passions, outlets for your excitement, enthusiasm inspiring projects, attracting people who can participate in your celebration of life.

When you are lost in this dimension in an unconscious way, it creates imbalances like greed, over-indulgence, irresponsibility, lack of integrity, over-excitement, restlessness, depravity, addictions, and some of the realities you attract are – situations that create “overwhelming” excitement leading to fatigue, circumstance that reflect lack of organization (scattered or cluttered projects), attracting shallow relationships that are only fun-oriented without any depth.

When you try to suppress this dimension in your mind, you experience a lot of “dullness”, stagnation and insipidness in your life – it’s like living in a murky pool. Your life starts reflecting a lack of zeal and aliveness, and you just seem to be “drifting” in a blasé manner. You attract realities that accentuate a lack of joy or passion, there is monotony and a lack of creative outlet.

Fear – When you are aligned with this dimensions in your mind, in a balanced way, the realities you manifest are – attracting people who are sincere in their dealings (sincerity comes from the dimension of fear and love combined), attracting people who have a sense of honor and integrity, situations that allow you to express/experience responsibility and service (without aligning with your fear dimension you can’t align with many aspects of responsibility required during adulthood), situations that allow you to enjoy fear inducing activities like adventure sports.

When you are lost in this dimension you basically suppress the dimensions of love, joy and sexuality, and can fuel the dimension of hatred and boredom. Being obsessed with the dimension of fear causes you to attract realities such as – people who seem to accentuate your insecurities, circumstances that create worry and anxiety, physical/mental abuse, situations that fuel fear psychosis.

Suppressing this dimension in the mind leads to a lack of wisdom, and maturity, in your physical movement. You become prone to reckless or unwise, and irresponsible, behaviors. Also, the suppression of this dimension leads to a blunting of your “instincts” and intuition for danger, leading to some negative outcomes.

Sexuality – When you are aligned with this dimension in your mind in a balanced way, you allow for a wholistic expression of your sexual nature and the realities you attract are – people (or person) who are compatible with your sexuality with whom you can experience a fulfillment of your sex drive, circumstances that provide security, peace and stability (people who are aligned with their sexual nature always attract “leisure” based realities that allow them to enjoy this dimension), sources of sexual entertainment, good bodily health/fitness. People who find alignment with their sexual nature are always connected with their body and thus are more likely to take care of its fitness, and health, as a natural instinct.

When you are unconsciously lost in this dimension it can create situations of depravity, irresponsibility, lack of integrity, negative perversions, shallowness with chronic body identification, judging the opposite sex (or same sex in case you are gay) purely as a sex object, reckless forms of lewdness and wanton behaviors. When one does not have a stable awareness, it’s easy to become a prisoner to this dimension because of its intensity, leading to unwise actions that become sources of regret later.

Suppression of this dimension leads to lack of aliveness in your personality because your sexual nature creates a magnetism or charisma in your physical being. Also, because sexual energy is so intense, its suppression can lead to a lot of disharmony in the body leading to diseases and health/bodily disorders of various forms. It will be noticed that people who have healthy sex lives always enjoy better health. Suppressing your sexual dimension can also lead to an imbalance into dimensions of hatred, love and boredom – basically you can become very volatile, aggressive, moody and even sadistic.

Boredom – The dimension of boredom is a very powerful dimension in the mind and anyone who aligns with it in a balanced way always attracts more peace, ease, leisure, relaxation, harmony, maturity and comfort into their lives. When one is aligned with the dimension of boredom, in a balanced way, it allows for a calmness and stability in their being (it erases restlessness, volatile-ness and over-excitement), the realities that get attracted are – deep and long term relationships, work that allows for leisure time, circumstances that allow ease and relaxation, situations that accentuate a sense of security and stability, responsible and mature attitude and situations that amplify comfort. This is one dimension in the human mind that very few people have ever learnt to appreciate, and align with, because it’s mostly perceived in a negative light.

Some people become unconsciously lost in this dimension which creates a sense of dullness, depression, meaninglessness, languidness, lack of creativity, negative laziness (where one is lazy owing to depression), monotony and stagnation, causing the attraction of realities like – lifeless relationships, passionless work, monotonous life situations and unhealthy body acquiring disorder/diseases associated with sedentary lifestyle.

A lot of people tend to suppress this dimension in the mind which causes serious disharmony in the energy balance of the body leading to fatigue, disease, irritability and restlessness. The body requires a “low cycle” to compensate for the energy expenditure involved in a “high cycle” (just like autumn is required before spring). The dimension of boredom allows for the “low cycle” of your body, and if you suppress it, by trying to force yourself into activities/distractions/excitement all the time, you end up with a severely disturbed body which usually plummets into a fatigue oriented disease.

Attract a wholistic reality by aligning with all your mind’s dimensions

As you can see, each dimension of the mind can yield a positive physical experience when you bring a balanced alignment into it. The only way to attract harmonious physical realities is to harmonize with all the dimensions in your mind. The experience of life that you have, when you have harmonized with all the dimensions, is what I refer to as “wholeness” – it’s deeper than exhilaration or excitable joy. The natural vibration of life is “wholeness” and all the dimensions of the mind have originated from this wholeness – just like the spectrum “Vibgyor” of a Rainbow is actually coming from pure White light (spectralized by water droplets). So the white light contains all the colors, and all the colors when harmonized become the while light – the same way the vibration of life translates into all the dimensions of the mind, and when these dimensions are in harmony one become aligned with the natural vibration of life (wholeness) in their physical beingness.

If you’ve clearly understood the pointers in this post, you will have a sense of what’s causing the conflicts or disharmony in your present life experience. You will be able to identify why certain aspects in your life are off-tune. All that’s required is for you to tune, or line up, to all the dimensions in your mind and the harmonization of your external reality is automatically taken care of. This is what I mean by a state of balance or wholeness in a physical being.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. JAINAM SHETH says:

    Written Very Nicely!!!

    But what I say is there are some adventurous and courageous people still living on this planet who have 1 dimension LOWER than all these 6, which is “fear”. Because, for them, “fear” is what they “love”! So for them, there are only 5 dimensions!

    By the way, I am very excited to read upcoming articles of yours as you write very well. : )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Manasa Kulkarni says:

      Thank you so much Jainam for your heartfelt feedback 🙂


  2. ashok says:

    God is Love and love is all there is.

    Manasa I believe that at the very root, if we keep digging deeper, every human action is triggered by two emotions only — Love or Fear. We need to keep developing the love factor more and more.

    Have a love filled day and year 💖🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Manasa Kulkarni says:

      Wow 🙂 Your right Dadu! Thank you so much!

      Liked by 1 person

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