How to be KIND to Yourself?

“Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others.” 

-Christopher Germer

Do you often find yourself putting your own needs on the back burner while you focus on being kind and giving to those around you?

While it’s a great thing to show kindness to others, many of us often don’t give ourselves the same amount of compassion or grace that we give to those around us.

We don’t usually take the time to truly take care of our minds, bodies, or souls. This can mean different things for each individual person.

Perhaps for you it means not making time for the hobbies you enjoy, not eating healthy foods to nourish your body, functioning on very little sleep everyday, being too hard on yourself and lacking self-compassion.

Being kind to yourself isn’t a waste of your time and energy, in fact it’s probably one of the absolute best ways you can invest in yourself. Being kinder to yourself allows you to fill your own cup up so that you are happier and more energized in life, and therefore able to offer more to others as well. A true win-win!

Today I’m sharing a few ways to be kinder to yourself, categorized by mind, body, and soul. I hope this inspires you on your journey to adding more self-love into your life and giving yourself the grace and compassion you deserve ♡


♡ MIND ♡

1. Unplug from technology for an hour every single night

2. Keep a list running in your phone of compliments you receive from others, and read them when you are having a bad day

3. Unfollow anyone on social media that makes you feel like you’re not good enough in comparison

4. Read a book that you’ve been wanting to check out for awhile and just haven’t made the time for

5. Forgive yourself for something you’re having a hard time letting go off.

♡ BODY ♡

6. Take three deep breaths as slowly as possible

7. Go for a walk (or run) on the prettiest path near your home

8. Make one small healthy change, like adding an extra serving of vegetables to your dinner

9. Stretch for 10 minutes

10. Take some time on Sundays to prepare lunches for the week to give yourself something nourishing and delicious to look forward to each afternoon

♡ SOUL ♡

11. Ask for help when you need it. This is easier said than done, but is so important when you feel like you are at your breaking point.

12. Create a gratitude journal and list 3 things you’re grateful for at the end of every day

13. Plan something to look forward to – whether it’s this weekend, next month, or several months from now. It’s fun to have something on the calendar that you’ll look forward to in anticipation!

14. Write down 5 things you love about yourself

15. Schedule downtime in your calendar. Set aside a small block of time this weekend to allow yourself to read, take a bath, lounge around in your Pjs. Whatever will make you feel refreshed and reenergized afterwards!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. A.B.Osogo says:

    This is such a timely post!

    We really need to be kinder to ourselves. We spend most of our lives with (not by) ourselves. It’s super important for us to have such gentle reminders!

    Thank you for this post 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Manasa Kulkarni says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words 🙂 My Pleasure 🙂


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