My New Year’s Resolution

I am not a fan of the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions. For two reasons. Firstly, because resolutions do not work. They are actually just wishes or dreams with no target date. They are usually defined in such a generic way (“enjoy life more” or “learn something new”) that do not involve any specific action you…

Book Review #1 Immortal Talks – My perception

-Manasa Kulkarni I have a habit of reading books (mostly fiction). Something made me read books on Philosophy, and Immortal talks is my fourth read related to life lessons. This book quickly becomes the most favourite, nonetheless the most difficult to understand. The author is anonymous – Shunya(nothing) also adds a mystery element to the…

The Essentials for a Meaningful Life

This post by Manasa Kulkarni discusses the significant role purpose plays in our lives. Kulkarni touches on both micro-level (e.g., alignment with personal values) and macro-level (e.g., pursuit of larger goals) aspects of purpose. Drawing from the ideas of psychologists like Viktor Frankl and Paul MacLean, the author emphasizes that purpose can transcend suffering and provide a foundation for a satisfying life. Additionally, Kulkarni suggests achieving purpose through a combination of personal values, strengths, passions, and service to others.

9 hard pills you should swallow to protect yourself

1. There’s someone out there who’s way less qualified than you. Living the life you want. Simply because they took action. 2. If you don’t start today, you won’t start tomorrow either. 3. Being selfish isn’t a bad thing. Fill your own cup before trying to pour it into everyone else’s. 4. Social media is…

Moving Towards a Mature Mind

The natural outcome of awakening out of identification with the mind is to allow for developing a “mature” mind. In the absence of awareness, the mind can’t develop an all-around maturity. So waking up from being lost in the mind is the first step, but eventually, it’s about bringing awareness back to the mind and…