Happy Hormones (D.O.S.E)

We spend a lot of time discussing ways to be happier – maintain close friendships, look on the bright side, drink more water. But we don’t often think about how we feel happiness. Did you know that the warmth you feel from a long hug is caused by an entirely different chemical sensation than the…

5 Beliefs To Steal From The Happiest People In The World

 Happy people don’t believe in waiting. Here are five things happy people believe that most people rarely even consider: 1. Happiness doesn’t always feel happy. It’s an incredibly fun bonus that happens when the mood strikes. Then it’s gone, and you still have to go to work the next day. BEING happy is more like…

10 Ways To Protect Your Positive Vibes

Discover how to protect your positive vibes and elevate your success and happiness. Science has proved that happiness is within our control and a choice we can all make. Science also supports the belief that we can alter the state of our lives by not only alerting our thinking but our attitudes as well. Although happiness and…

10 Important Life Lessons to Learn Early on in Life

There are so many lessons I wish I had learned while I was young enough to appreciate and apply them. The thing with wisdom, and often with life lessons in general, is that they’re learned in retrospect, long after we needed them. The good news is that other people can benefit from our experiences and…

15 Quotes Filled With Inspiring Life Lessons

Life’s lessons are a beautiful gift, but they don’t always come wrapped in a shiny, red bow. Sometimes tragedy brings us wisdom. Sometimes joy does. Other times we stumble upon life-changing lessons when we least expect to. No matter how they come to us, life’s lessons are invaluable and worth cherishing. Use them as a guide…

The ultimate guide for learning how to think “out of box”

Unless you have been living in a cave away from civilization for decades, you have no doubt heard the phrase “think outside the box.” It could have been a teacher saying it to you in a classroom, your boss instructing you to do so in a staff meeting, or your parents as they encouraged you…

What is your Why? | Your guide to finding Happiness.

All of us have dreams and goals we want to achieve in life. Some of us want to get in better shape. Others want more money. Still others want to find the love of their life. If you are like many, your first step in reaching this goal is to do a search online for…

15 Inspirational Life Lessons to carry with you every day

Life is a great teacher. We experience things and learn from them. Sadly though, the message doesn’t always come through. So we end up repeating the same mistakes over and over until the life lesson finally sinks in. Fortunately, not all life lessons need to be experienced to be learned. We can pull the wisdom…